Stella Mayfield Elementary is having a Halloween Color War Monday, October 31st!
9 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Stanna, Heidi, and Opal were recognized by Mrs. Chagas for always being Attentive to the students' likes and needs. Mrs. Chagas states, "these three ladies always see the students, even those that aren't easily seen. They learn what the kids love on an individual level and go out of their way to make special meals and special, unique relationships with each student. Thank you for warming the hearts and bellies of all the kids and staff of Elgin SD."
9 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Ben was recognized by his teachers Mrs. Harris and Miss. Megan for showing Compassion. Mrs. Harris and Miss. Megan states "Ben shared a very special toy with a friend who showed genuine interest. When recess was over, the friend still needed the toy as it was making him very happy. Ben let the friend hang onto the special toy until the friend arrived back to class."
9 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Paul was recognized by his teacher, Mrs. Ledbetter, for showing compassion. Mrs. Ledbetter states "A student hadn't eaten enough for lunch and was feeling bad. Paul jumped right up during reading intervention to offer them a snack he had in his locker. What an incredible classmate and friend."
9 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Halloween festivities for Elgin JH/HS.
9 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Fall Teacher/Parent Conferences
9 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Please join us in congratulating Anna Buckley, Megan Duffy, Charlee Morehead, Riley Morehead, and Abigail Saffell for auditioning and being selected to perform at Oregon All State High School Symphonic Band in Eugene in January. This is a highly competitive audition process and having five of our ten applicants get in is very impressive.
9 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Hands in the sky for John and Colton. Mrs. Murphey has recognized them as Husky Humanitarians for Citizenship! She states, "I’d like to nominate a couple of boys for your Husky humanitarian award. After today's games I was the last one in the gym, putting things away and gathering things people left. John and Colton had been playing basketball, but when they saw me, they didn’t hesitate and without being asked got to cleaning. They cleaned the whole student section which was by far the messiest area. John picked up a bottle of paint that was left behind and I could hear him say “Mr. Johnson would like seeing this out here”. I appreciated their help and initiative to jump in!" Thank you John and Colton for modeling citizenship like rockstars!
9 months ago, Dawn Guentert
High School Halloween Bash!
10 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Nikki was recognized by Mrs. Chagas for showing Compassion. Mrs. Chagas states "Nikki got to school and before walking in the door she noticed that another student was struggling. She gave the student a hug and asked if she could help. Nikki not only offered the student a hug but she asked the student if they would join her for breakfast. But wait, there is more, Nikki continued to offer help with anything that she could in order to make the student not feel sadness and instead, feel warmth. Thank you Nikki for seeing a friend in need and using your kind heart for good."
10 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Let's show up in purple and represent being Huskies with pride!
10 months ago, Dawn Guentert
At the end of the day, when all the students and teachers have gone home, the building begins it’s nightly transformation. WE would like to acknowledge and thank those super important folks who come in and get us ready for another day of intentional work. Elgin School District Janitorial Crew – Thank you!!
10 months ago, Elgin School District 23
Janitorial Recognition
A vision is always a challenging journey, and involves obstacles and steps back during the process. AND, when the success happens, it is the purest of joys! Look at these smiles as students deliver the first produce from their efforts to the school salad bar.
10 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Our first district-wide Wacky Wednesday Challenge is October 11th for all students and staff. Our challenge is to wear sunglasses to send off summer with style! The class 7-12 AND the class K-6 with the highest participation percentage will enjoy a warm cup of apple cider.
10 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Halloween Carnival
10 months ago, Elgin School District
Because attendance is directly related to student achievement and earning a high school diploma, each grade level is participating in an attendance challenge every month. Sophomores won the September challenge at 95.6% attendance! They earned being able to leave early for lunch to be the first ones in line for Mrs. Voyles' yummy entrees!
10 months ago, Dawn Guentert
september winners
Coraline was recognized by her teacher, Mrs. Stratton, for showing compassion and empathy. Mrs. Stratton states, "we had a friend in class who was really struggling... Coraline walked up to him and asked if she could give him a hug-- through this compassionate moment, every one of the other students also went up to the struggling friend to give hugs. The whole class loved on this friend. It was a beautiful show of empathy and love."
10 months ago, Elgin School District
Husky Pup Fall 2
Paul was recognized by his teacher, Mrs. Ledbetter, for showing compassion. Mrs. Ledbetter states "A student hadn't eaten enough for lunch and was feeling bad. Paul jumped right up during reading intervention to offer them a snack he had in his locker. What an incredible classmate and friend."
10 months ago, Elgin School District
Husky Pup Fall 1
Ms. Wasley and her art students have adopted a new approach to art! It is a Student-choice/Teacher Supported approach where students choose individualized projects, they discuss and agree upon certain parameters and grading criteria and they support each other in reaching their goals. It is a dynamic approach that elicits student engagement at its finest!
11 months ago, Dawn Guentert
Ms. Wasley and a couple of students hiked the Anthony Lake Loop in her latest hiking club adventure!
11 months ago, Dawn Guentert